Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Planning for 2012

Go for your goals

As we near year’s end, it’s time to think about 2012.
Don’t be one of those who sleep walk through life.
My weekly plan is worked out each weekend.
This takes less than 15 minutes.
A little extra time goes into planning a month ahead.

Here’s how you might develop your plan.
Your written goals should include:
1. A description of each goal.
2. Why it’s important to you.
3. The results that come with achievement.
4. Who will be responsible for each step.
5. The deadlines for completion.

The last Sunday of the quarter takes me 30 minutes.
This is to plan goals for the next quarter.
None of this takes a lot of time.
It actually saves time because:
1. Your goals are clear.
2. You know the time it will take for each one.
3. The results are spelled out.

If you are not doing anything like this now, try it.
It’s about planning your work and your life.
Include family time, exercise, travel, etc.
For more on this, go to JerryBellune.com
Click on Books & Videos.
You can order “Your Life’s Great Purpose”.
It gives you a blueprint for a more fulfilling life.
We all need help with making this a great life.
Next: How to work your plan.

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