Monday, January 14, 2013

Do you have what it takes, Part 2

Planning to start a business?
This is for you.
Planning to expand one?
This is for you too
Are you just looking for a job?
To create one for yourself?
Will this be a hobby or a real business?

Business guru Jay Abraham has an intriguing observation.
He says people go into business for three reasons:
1. They have gone through a career crisis.
They lost their jobs. Prospects for another are poor.
2. They hate their jobs and detest their bosses.
Owning a business seems much more attractive.
Rarely do these two kinds succeed.

The ones that succeed are far different.
They are entrepreneurs at heart.
Most grew up in entrepreneurial families.
They accept the sacrifices entrepreneurs make.
They are risk takers - but calculated risk takers.
They have great confidence in themselves.

How do you rate as an entrepreneur?
It’s relatively easy to find out.
A warning: You may not like the answers.
In their first class, my students test themselves.
Here are seven of the questions they answer.
To take the test just mark Agree or Disagree.

1. My parents encouraged self-reliance.
The wanted you to figure things out on your own.
They wanted you to make discoveries on your own.

2. My close relatives have been entrepreneurs.
They inspired you with their example.
They even gave you jobs to do so you could learn.

3. Growing up I held many part-time jobs.
It might have been cutting grass and other chores.
You might have worked for your parents.
They may have helped you find other jobs.

4. My parents held unconventional views.
They weren’t afraid to champion different ideas.
They taught me to avoid just following the crowd.

5. I am more inquisitive than most people.
You want to know everything about everything.
You day dream a lot about solving problems.

Did you agree to all or most of this?
This suggests you may have what it takes.
Next week I’ll put a few more questions to you.
You don’t have to share how you score.
It’s strictly your business.

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