Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Do you have what it takes, Part 3

Are you an entrepreneur at heart? Is it your passion and purpose?
If not, quit wasting your time reading this.
It’s for committed, passionate entrepreneurs only.
Less than 10% of the population feels like this.

Here are five questions for you.
Your answers are for self-assessment.
They will tell you if you have what it takes.
Not everyone does.
Find out if you’re one of them.

1. I like to try new approaches and solutions.
You are willing to leave your comfort zone.
Run risks. Take chances. Seek breakthroughs.
Always looking for better ways to do anything.

2. I always seek challenging problems.
You are unafraid to tackle the big frogs.
They’re the ones with the high payoffs.
But they often are harder to solve or achieve.

3. I seek excellence, not perfection.
You realize that "good enough" is good enough.
It does not have to be the perfect solution.
Perfection is impossible. Excellence is possible.

4. I’ll work to exhaustion on projects.
This means you are fully committed.
You’re no 9-to-5er. You stay to finish the job.

5. You’re first in and often last out.
That’s the kind of role model that inspires others.
If not, they’re not the kind of employees you want.
Entrepreneurs need excited people to share the load.

Did you agree you’ve got what it takes?
Next week I’ll put five final questions to you.
You don’t have to share how you score.
It’s strictly your business.

You may read my entrepreneurial book:
"Killer Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs."
I’ll send you a personally autographed copy.
Just make a $20 donation to literacy tutoring.
To do it, call me at 331-6695.


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