Monday, February 4, 2013

What can go wrong?

“Whatever can go wrong undoubtedly will.” 
That’s Murphy’s Law of Business Management.
Sure, it’s time worn but still true.
Some of us think Murphy was an optimist.

Over the next few weeks we’ll discuss this.
There are many ways you can lose your shirt.
One of the best is trust your employees.
The one’s you trust the most may be bad apples.

Let me give you a few examples.
Do you watch Mystery Diners on Food Network?
This is one of the best business shows going.
It will convince you to stay out of the food business.
The Mystery Diners help owners in trouble.
Revenues are falling and customers don’t come back.
Yet the owners can’t figure out why.
So they hire the Mystery Diners.
The Mystery Diners set up cameras in the restaurant.
They can see the kitchen, dining areas, bar.
They can see the supply room and the back door.
In a private room, they watch what’s going on.
They sit with the owners to watch their employees.
This is an eye-opener for trusting owners.

On a series of recent programs:
The head chef was catering from the kitchen.
He used the owners food, utensils, everything.
His catering ads carried his cell number.
Customers called him, not the restaurant.
He took the orders and prepared the food.
He even left the kitchen to make deliveries.
The owners could watch him stealing from him.
Hundreds of dollars walking out the door.
He brought him in and fired him.
He told him not to come back or go to jail.

You don’t have to own a restaurant.
Are you a trusting business owner?
Then something like this could happen to you.
What do you do? The internet may help.
Google “business surveillance systems.”
It will bring up lots of options.
Next week we’ll talk more about protecting yourself.

We help business owners with problems. 
Call us at 359-7633.


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