Thursday, August 27, 2009

Can you manage the universe?

I’m off to Atlanta this morning for an interview with Ruth King.
We’ll talk about newsletters as a business-building strategy.
Watch it at 10 on
We’ll also tape 17 weekly Business Tips of the Week.
You can see them each Monday on her Internet channel.
Ruth offered me this opportunity more than a year ago,
It has great value to help entrepreneurs. Of course, I said yes.
Not all opportunities do. Analyze each one for value.
Blog reader Bob Bobber passed along this important point.
Bob teaches executives to get more from their time.
Some requests for your time present genuine opportunities.
Some don’t. Analyze them. Ask yourself:
1. Does it have to be done now?
2. Can someone else do it?
3. What happens if I don’t do it?

I would add: Will it help those I want to help?
Many highly-motivated people tend to become martyrs.
They think it is their responsibility to take on everything.
Does your job description read: "Manager of the Universe"?
Mine doesn’t either. Let someone else manage the universe.
You may already have enough on your plate.
You have your great purpose in life to take care of.
Please leave a comment by clicking on comment below.
For 7 Tips to Manage Time, email me at


Betsy Sheppard said...

Jerry, I totally agree with your comments. I just this morning started to get in an email conversation about something and I realized I really did not need to jump in and get involved. I have enough going on today already. So, good advice! Thank you.

Anonymous said...

You have had many wise words. Thanks. What's life's purpose?
After looking to find 'IT', I now realise 'IT' is not about me or the right job or the right whatever. 'IT' is knowing the purpose God created for you and taking action.