Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Do you answer your own phone?

How many times have you been treated rudely on the phone?
This isn’t by pimply-faced teenagers who don’t care.
This is by business people who should know better.
They’re the ones who demand: "Who’s calling please?"
The "please" part never sounds sincere.
We have had to let two receptionists go because of this.
They just weren’t friendly answering our phones.
Fellow editor Bill West passed this along the other day.
It’s from Jesus CEO: Using Ancient Wisdom for Visionary Leadership.
The book’s author is Laurie Beth Jones.
She tells of the success of an executive recruiting firm.
The owner said her secret was simple:
"Whenever the phone rings, I say to myself, ‘That’s God on the line.’
"Then I think about all the ways I can serve that person."
Here are three simple questions you might ask yourself:
1. Who answers your phone and how well do they do it?
2. Can you imagine that God’s sending you business?
3. Are you too important to answer your own phone?

I answer my own phone. People are surprised.
They expect a receptionist to screen my calls.
Or they wait, thinking they’ve reached a voicemail recording.
I’ll ask again: Are you too busy to answer your own phone?
For my video Business Tip of the Week, click here.

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