Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Love what you do

I had almost forgotten this story until lunch the other day.
Joe Pinner, known to millions as Mr. Knozit, made me think of it.
Joe has spent most of his life in broadcasting and loves it.
"I've never had to work a day in my life," Joe says.
As a young reporter, I wrote about a cleaning lady.
She was retiring after 30 years at one of the local TV stations.
Cleaning potties isn't my idea of a fun career.
But this lady loved being around broadcasting people.
They were just local folks but to her they were stars.
At a retirement party, she was asked how she felt on retiring.
"I'm sure going to miss show business," she said.
To her, what she had been doing was important to the business.
Without clean potties, who would want to work there?
Here's the point: If you clean potties, makes them the cleanest.
If you're in show business, make it the best show in town.
Love it and you'll never work a day in your life
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P.S. An invitation for those of you in the Lexington area.
Our annual Chronicle Open House will be Saturday, Dec. 19.
Come by 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. for food and holiday cheer.
It's at our office, 131 Swartz Rd., Lexington, just off U.S.1.
I'll be glad to autograph any of my books for you.
They make great Christmas gifts. Hope to see you then.

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